If you’re new to Pathfinder Society, or don’t have a PC ready to play, you can play a Society legal pregen (details of the pregens available on the Paizo PFS Site under the “Pregenerated Characters” link). GMs are already overworked getting their games ready for the convention! This is the least preferred approach as this requires the GM to spend time entering your PC into Fantasy Grounds. Send the GM a legible electronic copy of your PC.Create your PC in Hero Lab or PCGen and export the PC in a format that the GM can use to get the PC into Fantasy Grounds.

Note: this option is now available to free license users (it didn’t used to be). You can use option 2 below to import your character from Hero Labs or PCGen to get you most of the way there – just do some checks and fine tuning in Fantasy Grounds before sending your PC to the GM. If you’re familiar with Fantasy Grounds you can create your PC in Fantasy Grounds, export the PC and send it to the GM who will run your game.This can be done in one of 3 ways, the following list is in order of preference: This does require a player to do a bit of work before the game – to make sure the GM has a copy of their character ready for the game.
#Hero lab online export character shee full#
In order to use Fantasy Grounds to its full potential it requires the player PCs to be entered into Fantasy Grounds so that all details are ready during game-time and the VTT automation, tracking, book-keeping, etc. Fantasy Grounds is a feature rich Virtual Table Top (VTT) that has a large number of functions that aid play in game.